I'm in the middle of making a shirt from the bodice of the Ceylon dress from Colette Patterns (go look! Isn't it awesome?). I also just finished taking a fitting class from Craftsy, along with a bunch of other sewists from Seattle-ish, which has been great fun.
I figured since I took the class, I should apply what I learned and fit the bodice properly for once. I made a muslin (a practice copy) with NO alterations and tried that puppy on, and what do you know? Some of the alterations I typically make would have made this worse. The waist line and bust points were exactly where they should have been. But, and this is a very big but, this shirt is a button-down, and it wouldn't close. BOO. Enter hack-and-slash: cut it apart where it doesn't fit and pin in extra fabric till it does. Behold!
Now, this looks like a horrible (Wonder Woman-y) mess, and it is, but it's a horrible Wonder Womany mess that FITS. Yay! On to real fabric later this week. Suggestions? I still haven't decided what to make this out of...