See, this is what happens when two nerds get married and have little boys.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lest any of you were tempted to think that sewing is glamorous...

I'm in the middle of making a shirt from the bodice of the Ceylon dress from Colette Patterns (go look!  Isn't it awesome?).  I also just finished taking a fitting class from Craftsy, along with a bunch of other sewists from Seattle-ish, which has been great fun.

I figured since I took the class, I should apply what I learned and fit the bodice properly for once.  I made a muslin (a practice copy) with NO alterations and tried that puppy on, and what do you know?  Some of the alterations I typically make would have made this worse.  The waist line and bust points were exactly where they should have been.  But, and this is a very big but, this shirt is a button-down, and it wouldn't close.  BOO.  Enter hack-and-slash:  cut it apart where it doesn't fit and pin in extra fabric till it does.  Behold!

Now, this looks like a horrible (Wonder Woman-y) mess, and it is, but it's a horrible Wonder Womany mess that FITS.  Yay!  On to real fabric later this week.  Suggestions?  I still haven't decided what to make this out of...