See, this is what happens when two nerds get married and have little boys.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Picapalooza Part One

Sorry sorry sorry sorry. I know I've been promising pictures. Here you go:

At the Pike Market. There was a guy there who called himself "El Rey de Chiles" (the king of peppers)-- and he deserved the title. Fantastic wreaths of peppers, not to mention about 40 varieties that you could mix and match for $2.25 a pound. He had a pepper called a mango chile-- doesn't taste like a mango, but MAN they're good.

Look at all the different kinds! This is at Pike's too.

This and the next are both at a glass store in downtown Seattle called Vitria.

The Willex!


Amanda Walsh said...

OH my gosh! He's so big! I can't believe the one of him in a button-up shirt!! He's so big! Ah! I must see him.

Unknown said...

Finally some pictures from you! When did you go to Seattle? Will you email me your address to Thanks! Kristen

Tiffany Webber said...

Cool pictures! Willex is so cute (and that is a cute nickname too!) I think he looks like a miniature version of James! So cute! So are you guys moving to Seattle for sure? When would you move if you do?

Kathy said...

Wil is sooo cute! This will be a fun Christmas! Would you please email me your home address? Thanks!