I was just looking at
Cara's blog, and through various linkages (thanks Ashley!) found the
Which American Accent do You Have? quiz.Ah! A quiz after my own heart:). It's actually fairly accurate from a linguistics point of view, although I'm anxious to put in a full blown Utah accent, and see what it comes up with. A Utah accent is a completely different beast, as Utah was settled heavily by western European immigrants. Hence things like 'feel' sounding like 'fill', and 'fill' sounding... well, not like your normal English, but 'fell' is as close as I can get. We actually discussed this in one of my linguistics classes-- turns out that the stereotypical Utah accent is composed of vowel lowering, where some/most vowels become the next lowest, physiological speaking. We didn't even get into calling spaghetti 'eye-talian' food. That, my friends, is a whole 'nother post (as is the evolution of the pronunciation "'nother").
I started reading
Wheelock's Latin today. Serious nerdiness, but Willex calls. Besides, who but me really wants to know that I'm reading
word of the day: loquacious. As in: this post is overly loquacious:)